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Freiwillige Wohltätigkeitsorganisationen

Get involved 

You would like to become a donor, sponsor or volunteer?

We are looking forward to hear from you!
afrikanische Kinder

Donation & Sponsorship

We are constantly working on new projects. 


You would like to help? 


Click here to go to our donation page.


Donations go directly to the institution. We regularly report on the implementation of the donations and the projects in the news section. All donations, including those not earmarked for a specific purpose, go 100% towards our social work for children. 


If you are a sponsor, we would be more than happy to hear from you. Please contact us by using the contact box. 

Freiwillige bei Food Bank

Become a Volunteer

From time to time volunteers can be employed by us. 


You would like to volunteer? 


We would be more than happy to hear from you. Please contact us by using the contact box. 



Get In Touch

If you have any questions about our programme

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Tel: +258-85328-2905



Localidade de Licilo, Bairro 1

de Mao Tsé-Tung, Rua da Areia Vermelha

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